Yuka, the young mammoth
On 19 May, during the Forum Artic Asia, held in the sumptuous buildings of the Xuan Yuan Group in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, I presented Yuka, a mammoth dating back 36,500 years, to eminent scientists and major economic stakeholders involved in Arctic development.
In 2014, Yuka was exhibited at the Tchang Kaï-chek Memorial in Taipei, attracting half a million Taiwanese visitors in a few months.
At the end of the Forum, Mr Xue Xing Fa, president of Xuan Yuan Group, probably charmed by Miss Yuka, personally informed me of his decision, made in collaboration with the Yakoutsk Academy of Sciences, to present this young mammoth to the public of mainland China, probably in January 2025.

Yuka, The Young Mammoth
Refer to the book dedicated to Yuka written by Vladimir Potapov and Bernard Buigues, translated into Chinese by Mrs. Pak.