Publisher’s Company Name TresOrient ORIENTAL ARTS GEMS INTERNATIONAL SARL (Private Limited Company) with a capital of €72,480 SIRET (French National Registration Number): 378 439 087 00016 Code NAF (French Trade Sector Code): 4649 N° TVA (VAT Identification Number): FR 76 378 439 087
Head office: 48 rue de la Maison Rouge 77185 LOGNES – FRANCE Office phone number: +33 (1) 64 80 97 79 Mobile phone number: +33 (6) 34 17 62 88 Email address:
Seller The legal entity in charge of the online selling of TresOrient products on is, as mentioned above, ORIENTAL ARTS GEMS INTERNATIONAL.
Hosting Service Provider NUXIT 130 avenue du Président Wilson 93100 MONTREUIL – FRANCE Website: