About Us in the Press #2

from the Paris-Vallée de la Marne quarterly magazine, April-June 2022, n. 20, p.16.

"We have found the outstanding setting our outstanding collection deserves.”

Traditional Oriental Arts ‘Show Off’ in Lognes

Sculptures, porcelain works, tapestries, and furniture from Asia… 

Located in Lognes, TresOrient owns an outstanding collection of no fewer than 26,000 pieces! The many treasures of this family business, which started in 1962, are now exhibited in a vast gallery – for our greatest pleasure.

This is by the PariEst business park, in Lognes, that TresOrient moved to and opened a 1,000-m2 art gallery. Dedicated to Oriental objets d’art and decorative pieces, the gallery abounds with impressive masterpieces, mainly of ancient crafts which techniques are no longer used, nor mastered. 


This year, the company will celebrate its 60th anniversary. It owes its story to Mr Pak, who emigrated from the south of China and came to Paris where he opened a shop named “Au Trésor d’Orient”, specialized in Chinese and Japanese objets d’art intended for art-related professionals. Knowing more about other peoples and their cultures while collaborating with them became a vocation,his son Ling Kam Pak, who succeeded Mr Pak in 1989, disclosed. 

Under Ling Kam Pak’s management, the company has grown bigger and diversified. He turned it into a limited liability one trading as “TresOrient” and, in 2005, opened an art gallery on Quai de Conti, Paris. “We started to import raw materials and entered the market of hand-knotted oriental rugs and carpets by designing models inspired by Aubusson tapestries. Since then, we have been a major European player in the trade of hand-knotted rugs, carpets and wall hangings in Aubusson style.


In 2016, Ling Kam Pak was searching for a place where to gather all his objets d’art and decorative pieces when he found disused commercial premises in Lognes. Those were to become the new, unique setting for his amazing collection. After four years of renovation works, in 2020, the gallery did open its doors. This uncommon place – with its numerous windows and honeycomb structure – offers particularly bright rooms. There, natural daylight highlights some exquisitely special pieces that had never been shown to the public so far, Pak assured. 


You can visit TresOrient’s Lognes art gallery by appointment only. 

+33 (0)6 34 17 62 88 

